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What should be paid attention to when using fabric softener?

What should be paid attention to when using fabric softener?
Laundry liquid processing manufacturers understand that with the continuous improvement of living standards, people's requirements for clothes are getting higher and higher. The cleaning of clothes is not only required to remove dirt, but also to ensure that the texture of clothes is not affected. More and more people are choosing to use fabric softeners to keep their clothes comfortable. So what should be paid attention to in the process of using softener?
Fabric softener is used to make clothes softer and more comfortable, but it can be counterproductive if used incorrectly. When using the softener, pay attention to choose the appropriate dosage according to the instructions, and avoid blindly increasing the dosage, so as to avoid damage to clothing and skin. Fabric softener cannot be used together with ordinary laundry detergents such as soap, washing powder, etc., otherwise it will affect the use effect.

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